in Knoxville, TN
If you tend to have a busy schedule and want your dog to have a fun day with human interaction, try out our Doggie Day Care Program at All Kreatures Pet Care. Our doggie daycare program is a one-on-one experience between your pet and one of our experienced staff members. Your pet will get to enjoy fun playtime, great snacks, and all the snuggles they can get when you book your doggie daycare visit. Pets will not be engaging with dogs from other households.
Why Choose All Kreatures for Doggie Daycare?
Unique to Knoxville Dog Day Care, here a few reasons that we have chosen to offer our concept in Pet Day Care:
– Pets are used to human companionship and our activities will fill that void while you are away.
– Pets will not be engaging in play that might result in injury from other dogs.
– Pets will not be sharing dishes or toys with other dogs.
– Pets will get the opportunity to exercise and expend some energy with fun activities during playtime.
When your pet isn’t out enjoying playtime, it will be assigned to one of our large and spacious enclosures or a suite. Dogs will be taken out to potty at a minimum of three times during the day, while cats will have the privacy of a clean litter box. They will receive two, twenty-minute playtimes with a trained staff member and then, enjoy a snack or lunch during their stay at All Kreatures Pet Care.

Single Day
First pet – $30/day
Second pet – $25/day

5-Day Package
One pet – $140
Two pets – $270

10-Day Package
One pet: $280
Two pets: $500
Pets will be allowed the social distancing recommended to lessen the chances of exposure to viral and bacterial pathogens from an (unaffected or asymptomatic) carrier.